Anthony Laville

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9 WAYS I structured My Property DEALS of £3m-£16m GDV in 2017

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There are no limits on how to structure a deal but for me it needs to be legal (obviously), ethical & a WIN-WIN for me and the seller

1. Sites bought Subject to Planning - based on the response from a pre-application, outline application & full planning decision

2. Joint Venture with seller - they get their current land value plus a pre-agreed share in the finished Development

3. Subject to Survey deal - meant the figure the seller got was based on if I was able to get a positive response on a survey, in this instance, a Noise Survey due to a suspect noisy neighbour

4. Exchange with delayed completion - agreed the purchase of a site and delayed the completion to allow time to put in a planning application as I was confident with the site’s potential

The value of the site will increase before completion if Planning is approved

5. Made an unconditional cash purchase - offered a fast completion (within 30 days based) based on the discounted purchase figure I needed to make the deal work 

6. Paid the seller’s legal fees - transaction had no cost to seller which aided their decision

7. Seller agreed to undertake works - to clear the site before the deal was agreed 

8. Contingent deal - Made a deal to buy a property from a vendor contingent on the sale of another property to me by that same vendor

9. Joint Venture - brought in a new JV partner that could bring additional finance to the table to push the deal through  

The subject property or Land is irrelevant as property is a PEOPLE Business.

Varying structures are particularly useful when the seller won't budge on the sale price or to lower the risk and financial outlay when acquiring the deal in order to Develop.
